Sunday, November 4, 2012

Exposure to the sun leads to collagen and elastin in the skin

All-natural Age Spot Removal FactsWas there ever a time you wished those brown spotson your arms, you shoulders and even on your hands would dissapear as if by magic Michael Kors Hamilton Tote? You've been told about age spots and sun spots, and that they usually affect those people who are 55 and older. However, you still have many years to go. Does anybody out there have age spot removal tips they can reveal?

You'll be glad to know that yes, there is plenty of reasonable advice to be found Michael Kors Hamilton Tote. Some are even the most common, most mundane pieces of advice your have heard over and over again which you always took for granted but actually makes sense.

Tip number 1: Don't expose your bare skin to the sun.

Ultraviolet rays damage the skin. Exposure to the sun leads to collagen and elastin in the skin cells to become lest elastic and supple Michael Kors Hamilton Tote, making skin look dry and uneven toned. A strong sunblock, SP15 or higher, is a good defense from damaging sun rays. One way to tell when you've had too much long-term sun exposure is if you develop new dark spots and freckles.

For best results and maximum protection, apply sunblock at least half an hour before exposure to the sun. Keep in mind that you will need to re-apply the sunblock every so often as it will wear off from contact with clothing, swimming, and just natural evaporation.

It has been always said that it is best to keep out of the sun when it is at its most intense. This is from 10:00 in the morning to 3:00 in the afternoon.

Tip number 2: Drink plenty of fluids.

This will keep your skin from dehydrating and keeps age spots at bay Michael Kors Hamilton Tote. Sweating is also good for your skin because it flushes out the toxins in your body which would have otherwise accumulated on the skin cells.

Tip number 3: Food can be your best friend when it comes to removing age spots.

Applying the juice of fresh garlic on the age spot with the use of a cotton ball helps lighten the skin within six weeks Michael Kors Hamilton Tote. Another option you can try is applying fresh aloe vera topically to your age spots twice a day for around a month or two. Some have reported seeing their age spots lightening as a result. You can also try this with castor oil. Rubbing on a slice of fresh red onion is also recommended.

An interesting remedy suggested elsewhere is to combine two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with oen tablespoon of fresh orange juice. Vitamin C contains antioxidants. You can even give buttermilk a try. Just apply a small amount to the affected area daily (remove after 15 minutes).

Tip number 4: A healthy diet not only keeps the body healthy Michael Kors Hamilton Tote, but the skin too.

One thing you should eat a lot of is lean, high quality meat, along with raw vegetables and fresh fruits for the right vitamins and minerals. Avoid junk foods, sweets, soda, alcohol, caffeine and tobacco.

These are just some of the tips, and there are more circulating on the web. As with anything, use your common sense. If you start to see or experience adverse reactions to any of the ideas mentioned, discontinue immediately.

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